Friday, March 28, 2014

National Geographic Cover

This assignment is about making a creature of some kind and sharing it with others onto a National Geographic Cover. The way I made my creature is by researching some animals and the final ones I picked were a tiger, a panda, a pig and a cat. I used the tiger's body, the panda's head, the pig's ear and nose and the cat's eyes to construct it into one interesting creature. The tools I used were, the magnetic lasso tool and clone stamp tool. After I was done making my creature, I looked for a National Geographic Cover and used it to paste my creature onto it. I used the magic wand tool to select both the border and letters into another layer. I changed the color of the letters and copied the title one more time to make it look like the national geographic title was three dimensional. Next, I pasted my animal into the cover and used the polygonal lasso tool to make my creature look like it was coming out of the border and I lowered the opacity down. Lastly, I made a little description in the empty parts of the image and talked a little about my creature. In the bottom of the image, it is three articles that people may want to check out and the topics are related to my creature.

Propaganda Poster

The first thing I did to construct this poster was to take a photo. I copied it onto photoshop and cut the background part off, using the polygonal lasso tool which took some time to do because I didn't want anything to show off the back. I went to a website to pick colors to use for my poster and they were going to be used for my paper color (light), pattern color, light color, other color and dark color. Next, we got to make our own pattern like how other propaganda artist would do. We used the canvas size tool to cut off or crop out any extra things we didn't need for our poster. Then, we now made our background with our light color and other color. We used the canvas size tool again to create a small border around our image and filled it in with our paper color. Lastly, we did our final clean up to make our poster look smooth and we did that by using the eraser tool, polygonal lasso tool and the paint brush tool.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

House Banner Poster

The assignment was to make a House Banner. I constructed this house banner in photoshop and used mostly the shape tool and filled in the shapes and background with colors. I used many shapes to represent what I like with colors. All I did was, pick and look at different shapes, and resized them to the way I wanted them. Then, I filled them in with  colors and made it show how people would normally see these images. I took both my favorite colors, blue and pink and set it as my background. Also, I felt satisfied with what I made.