Friday, March 28, 2014

National Geographic Cover

This assignment is about making a creature of some kind and sharing it with others onto a National Geographic Cover. The way I made my creature is by researching some animals and the final ones I picked were a tiger, a panda, a pig and a cat. I used the tiger's body, the panda's head, the pig's ear and nose and the cat's eyes to construct it into one interesting creature. The tools I used were, the magnetic lasso tool and clone stamp tool. After I was done making my creature, I looked for a National Geographic Cover and used it to paste my creature onto it. I used the magic wand tool to select both the border and letters into another layer. I changed the color of the letters and copied the title one more time to make it look like the national geographic title was three dimensional. Next, I pasted my animal into the cover and used the polygonal lasso tool to make my creature look like it was coming out of the border and I lowered the opacity down. Lastly, I made a little description in the empty parts of the image and talked a little about my creature. In the bottom of the image, it is three articles that people may want to check out and the topics are related to my creature.

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